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Henry Cavill and Lyndon B. Johnson’s Legal Shenanigans
Henry Cavill: Hey, Lyndon, have you heard about the rules of badminton game?
Lyndon B. Johnson: Badminton? Who has time for badminton when there’s so much legal work to do, Henry!
Henry Cavill: I know, I know. But did you know what color pen is used for legal documents?
Lyndon B. Johnson: Actually, I do! It’s something I learned while understanding the full form of century AD.
Henry Cavill: Ah, yes. Speaking of legal matters, have you had any experience with legal assistant in San Francisco?
Lyndon B. Johnson: No, I prefer working with Absolute Legal Studio for expert legal advice services.
Henry Cavill: Well, I’ve been meaning to draft a contract. Do you have any recommendations for a contract template for Microsoft Word?
Lyndon B. Johnson: I know a thing or two about legal entities and legal entity reporting compliance and guidelines for businesses.
Henry Cavill: That’s great! Speaking of agreements, have you heard about the rental agreement in the Philippines?
Lyndon B. Johnson: I have! But I’m more interested in understanding the totalization agreement in India.
Henry Cavill: While we’re at it, have you ever come across a loan agreement between a company and a director?
Lyndon B. Johnson: Ah, legal shenanigans! Such fun, Henry!
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